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神话:简介PDF英文原版原著PDF电子书下载 Myth: A Very Short Introduction,作者中文名:罗伯特·西格尔,作者英文名:Robert A. Segal C. G. Jung, and Sigmund Freud. It focuses on different approaches to myth, from all of the major disciplines--including science, religion, … Featuring a cover by C.G. Jung, Lance Owens on Jung's Red Book. Interviews with David Tibet of Current 93, Jacob Needleman and Zohar expert Daniel C. Matt. Articles on Gnostic anime, Robert Graves, Gnostic texts, the Gospel of Luke, William Blake, deja vu, coincidence, a ten page comic, reviews and much more. This is quite a good book if you are looking for an introduction into traditional Gnostic belief as well as a well thought out, in-depth analysis of Carl Jung’s more modern form of Gnosticism. It starts by asking the question if Jung can even be said to be a ‘real’ Gnostic and … Book Review. The Gnostic Jung And the Seven Sermons to the Dead . by Stephan A. Hoeller. Quest Books – 4 th printing 1994. The Seven Sermons to the Dead is a mysterious, little known or understood work of C. G. Jung’s, which was privately printed in German, without copyright or date, sometime between 1920 and 1925, and distributed to a select group of friends. 1/1/1982 The Austin Gnostic Society, Round Rock, Texas. 4,373 likes · 25 talking about this · 138 were here. Established in America in 1928, The Gnostic Society is dedicated to advancing the study,

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